Verified authenticity


We have a high demand on the quality of our goods, so that you can enjoy your original for a long time. That is why we check every incoming goods, whether it is directly from the manufacturer, from an overstock, an insolvency or from a private collection in detail according to our inspection catalog. Here, not only the authenticity and originality of the goods are checked, but also their condition and condition. 



Every receipt of goods is intensively checked for origin, authenticity and authenticity with the help of our inspection catalog, which has been developed over the years. 



Experience and know-how through our more than 20 years in the industry.



We vouch with our name for the authenticity and quality of every product in our store. 

Certificate of authenticity

Certificate of authenticity Included

Each of our branded writing instruments from 100,-€ includes a certificate of authenticity filled out and signed by us personally in the delivery. With this we confirm once again the authenticity and authenticity of your writing instrument. Even if paper is very patient and a "certificate" can basically issue anyone, but we stand with our name and over 20 years of experience for the respective product.